Oliver & Marissa

Oliver & Marissa
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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Valentine's Day Snaps

I had to add a few Valentine's Day 2013 pictures to the blog even though it was a few weeks ago. Memories!  Marissa made some cute homemade Valentine's for her class and had a ton of fun at school. I was happy they had an unofficial "no candy" rule at her kindergarten for the day, mean mommy, I know. Somehow I neglected to get any pictures of Miss. Marissa in her Valentine's Day outfit, but she was a cutie, all decked out in hearts. I wish I had been better rested to get up early and make heart pancakes and had decorated the house etc, but it just didn't happen this year. Oliver and Teddy got super cute new matching Valentine's jammies and I had to dress Teddy in a special outfit too, because dressing babies up is way too much fun!

Love Oliver's expression here, I can just picture him giving
 this same expression as a teenager. And, Teddy - climbing as usual!

Climbing over his big brother.

Teddy stalking Oliver - as per usual. Loooves his big bro.

Teddy's not cutting a tooth or five or anything.

Waving "Hi", just taking a momentary break from stalking Oliver.

Baby in sunglasses and ties- cuteness overload.

Yummy sunglasses.

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