Oliver & Marissa

Oliver & Marissa
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Oliver Takes Marissa for a tractor ride
Cuties, All of 'Em
Life keeps rolling along, time is a flyin' and it's probably my favorite time of the year, fall, Halloween all of that. I am only allowing myself tiny moments of longing for a proper Vermont fall, sniff, sniff. I am determined to make the most of it here though, and heck, the kids sure don't know any different. We visited Underwood Family Farms the other weekend during their tractor weekend. I love it there, I feel like we have as much fun as the kids do. And, I love that they have an Oliver tractor, how awesome is that. If only I could dig up last year's pictures for comparisons sake. If you look back at the 6 month post some of those photos are from Underwood. I can't believe Oliver was only 6 months old at this time of year last year. The amount both the kids have changed is just mind blowing. Oliver was fired up for the tractors, Marissa loved the pony rides (as always) and getting shaved ice as a treat. She picked root beer (well, "brown") as one of her flavors, I was surprised because she is such a pink/purple girl, but it was delicious! I have to say my favorite part was seeing the kids pick out pumpkins in the patch, Marissa went a little hog wild and we ended up with a whole wheelbarrow full. Oliver meanwhile amazed me with his strength, lifting pumpkins that were NOT light left and right. He has also been busy scaling the back porch metal trellis to scary heights. Yeah, he is not to be trusted. Hope everyone is having a great fall wherever you are!
Tractor Driving with Mommy

Tractor Driving with Daddy

Our big pumpkin picture, not a winner.

Riding Tinkerbell

Oliver with a really cool Oliver tractor

Wheelbarrow of pumpkins and a baby and a pretty sister
Heave Ho
Add caption

Tractor Ride

Dirty boy on the way home. He has turned into the best sleeper/napper, yay!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Back to School!

School has finally started back up as of last week. Marissa is at a new cooperative preschool, we were also at a coop last year, but this school is new to us. We had met her new teacher at a few back to school picnics, but not really any of the kids and most of them already knew each other from last year. I was pretty confident about her first day going well, especially since I had signed up to work in the classroom, so needless to say, I was really surprised that at the end of the day when she and I were walking to get the vacuum to clean up her classroom, she turned to me and her little eyes were filled with tears and she told me that she was "sad and lonely" at preschool today. And, oh my goodness, I had to do everything within myself to keep myself from crying. I felt horribly, I worried that we had picked the wrong school, I worried that we had picked the wrong class, and this was after serious agonizing over what preschool to choose for this year. When we got home and out of the car, it didn't get any easier, she hugged me and started full on crying, saying she didn't want to go back, etc. It was really, really hard. And, I am a big mommy wimp, I totally admit it. I actually thought about if we could switch her school for a minute, or skip a year. Well, flash forward to today, day three of preschool and she is doing AMAZING! She has made a great new buddy, a cute little girl named Tess and she had a gazillion stories to tell of them digging for treasure, playing pirate, and many more. Ahhh, cue Mommy relief. Only to arrive home to a beyond overtired Oliver who was with our sitter because his nap time falls exactly around preschool pickup time. Well, ever since I weaned Oliver, his naps have gone to you know where. This poor little baby boy has been so, so sleep deprived for weeks. Yes, I admit it, I used to nurse him back to sleep mid-nap because it would give him a great two hour nap. Before our sitter was putting him down, I had finally gotten him to go back to sleep mid-nap wake up after weeks of fussing around with how to get him back to sleep, because he wakes up ANGRY! I am talking, nothing, nothing will calm him down. Not going outside, not a sippy, not tv, not rocking, not reading, etc. It has been stressful! But, he finally was getting back to sleep mid nap, but for our sitter he has been waking up after only half an hour and today only ten minutes. And, oh my goodness he was a train wreck by 5:30 pm. Yes, I tried a second nap, but no go, well, 30 minutes of full sobbing was all I could take. I think these last two teeth that are coming through have been driving him crazy and taking forever to come through, I think he is having some major physical/mental growth spurts (he is talking up a storm!) In sum, I feel guilty, I hate it that he is sleeping so poorly, I feel guilty when I'm away from him and he is with the sitter, especially when I come home and he has been having a rough time, and I should say, I love our sitter and the kids love her. Oliver blows a million and one kisses to her at the window when she leaves and even cried for a second the other day when she left! But, ugh, I can't handle these terrible naps, he should be sleeping at least 1.5 hours a day. So of course, just when something starts going right, something else tanks. I really hope we get some of his sleep issues resolved soon, I'm just not even sure what to do at this point. Let me know if you have any tips at all! Oh and we went to the LA County Fair (my choice) and it was so ghetto, never again! I don't think the kids minded it, but someone remind me next time I am thinking of going that it is pretty nasty. I think the Vermont country fairs may have spoiled me just a bit!

Oliver hamming it up at the fair.

Marissa getting some assistance from Daddy with the ring toss.

Marissa and her beautiful prize.

Morning before first day day of school.

As good as a family photo got that morning.
Daddy was in Japan:(

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Wow, I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I have a four year old. Marissa had a big birthday celebration this past weekend, and I think almost all the baby is gone from her (save for her very toddler pot belly that sticks out in tee-shirts:) She is little Ms. Social, she is so busy wrapping her head around how she fits into this world. I was all misty eyed every time I thought of her turning four the week leading up to her birthday, but I kept it all together throughout the actual day and party. I am so proud of the little girl my daughter is turning out to be. I am so thankful to have such a fun, loving, excitable, enthusiastic girl. I wish I embraced life with half the zest that you do Marissa. I can't wait to see what this year holds for you. Mommy, Daddy and Oliver love you so very much, Happy Fourth Birthday! Here are some birthday highlights:

At the top of her present wish list: "a balloon on a stick!"

Making Rainbow Pancakes for her breakfast with Mommy


A better picture of the final product.

She has asked to make Dora cupcakes for about 5 months,
this took a trip to a professional bake shop,
some serious time, I hope they are recognizable!
She loved them!

I think I should have piped her eyes and nose, oh well, live and learn.
Baking is not my forte.

Removing Ol from the dining table.

Oliver on the dining room table again!
 I had to remove the table cloth
and all decorations immediately post presents
due to the climbing machine.

At the scene of her party, Under the Sea.
Captain Daddy and Mermaid Marissa.
Rolling with Daddy.

Rocking the motorcycle at Under the Sea.

Magic with Ariel
Parachute Fun!

Happy birthday Sweet Girl!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It's August?!

Okay, so I might not be the best blogger ever, but we've been busy (I feel like I'm on repeat!) No, but really, we were so lucky to get to go to Nantucket for two weeks in early July and then one week after coming home I had PRK eye surgery, which had a bit of a rough recovery period. I'm finally feeling back to normal)ish) with my eyesight and that is without any glasses or contacts! It is so nice to wake up and see Marissa's face when she walks in our room bright and early in the morning, instead of having to reach over for my glasses and then see her. To see her first expression as she walks in the door is just priceless.

In the midst of all that, the kids have been changing by leaps and bounds. Oliver could have a career as a baby stunt(baby)man, that is for sure. In the last week alone, my heart has been suffering from serious palpitations on a regular basis. And, all of this is after we had the house baby proofed from top to bottom, or is that side to side since we are in a one story house? Anyways, I digress, is this because I don't want to think about how I can't leave him alone for a nanosecond? In the last three days, Oliver has climbed up on the dining room table at least one hundred times, of course a fall to the hardwood floor would hurt and maybe even break something, but he'd probably be okay, but the day he first did it of course, I had put a scorching cup of hot tea in the dead center of the table, I stepped away for under ten seconds, came back in and he was sitting in the middle of the table about to scald himself  severely. Sheesh, that was a close one, the speed with which he scrambles up there is frightening. I think I removed him from there about 20 times plus alone today.
Then, there is the rocking sheep. Picture a cute fluffy sheep that is a rocking toy. Can the boy just rock amicably on it? No, I think not. I'm sitting a few feet away from him on the couch when he proceeds to stand up on the sheep's back without holding onto anything and crack up laughing, ummm, Oliver, newsflash - not funny to Mommy.
Other things that Mommy is not enjoying, exploring the potty in inappropriate ways- "Oliver, this is not a water table!" I've been going through hand soap at an expedited rate. Of course, you can;t lock the toilet lid when there is a three year old who needs quick access and the door in this old house won't shut... The dog's water bowl holds phenomenal appeal to this kid. The other day I ran to the bathroom and heard a loud crash, I came out and not only had Oliver dumped the water bowl everywhere, but he managed to dump most of it directly on his head. He's also gone head first into the tub, climbing in while empty (thank goodness!) I just can't keep up. He thinks it's hilarious to climb in the dryer. Basically, if it's not supposed to be done, Oliver will do it, and he'll do it with a sense of humor. Oh, and he's getting strangely proficient at somersaults and I'm pretty sure would prefer to live upside down by how often I find him in this position each day. Phew, I'm tired just thinking of it. Compared to Oliver, Marissa was just so not into things. We never really baby proofed with her, She was very cautious when trying things. She'd always hold my hand in the parking lot, unlike Oliver who literally tries to run away. Despite all his trouble making ways, I just want to eat him up and he has proven that he is an extremely tolerant human being based on a his tolerance for an abnormally large number of kisses that I bestow on him on an hourly basis. He also has a wicked sense of humor. He is easy going, incredibly sweet and loving and so strong! He can hang from the shower door if I take my hand off him, like he's doing a chin up, what a little monkey. He is really into the two baby dolls in our house that have been ignored for the past two years by little ms. Marissa. Oh, how he hugs and kisses and cuddles those babies. It is just the sweetest thing ever. He is also REALLY into trucks and buses. He gets soooo excited when he sees them while out and about, saying "WHOA" over and over. He will play with cars for a looong time, that and the sandbox are the only ways to get this kid to sit still! He's finally gotten into reading this summer, especially at bedtime. Favorites this summer have been, Dinosaur, Dinosaur, Chugga Chugga Choo Choo (he laughs at the page with the teddy bear, why, I have no idea), Thomas and the Christmas Tree, Goodnight Gorilla (he always laughs at the page with just the eyes), The Fire Engine. It's been quite fun to finally be able to read to him and so different for Marissa who could literally be read to for hours at a time at this age in one sitting, and she's still the same way! A girl after my own heart.

Marissa has been really into Olivia lately, I think she loves that he has a little brother who is her little "bother" just like her. She is dressing herself everyday, and I'm not sure if she can't reach the dresses on the rack in her closet or she's over them, but shorts and tees have been it this summer. She is fully in the mode of doing absolutely everything for herself, sunblock application, cooking her food, pouring her water, buckling her car seat, obviously, she still needs a lot of help with some of these things to do them safely, but I try to do it in a way that she thinks she is doing it or I will do it as discreetly as possible. Since Oliver is so reckless lately, I do feel like Marissa is often forced to be patient, not just waiting on me to do something for him first or stop him from hurting himself first, but also she is extraordinarily patient with him getting into her business. If anything the older he gets, the more he has to do exactly what she's doing, eat what she's eating. She really is an amazing big sister. She is soooo proud of him when he learns new things and brags to everyone about what words he knows. She tries all day to teach him new words.
Marissa has really come out of her shell. I am so excited to see her at preschool this year, she is such a social butterfly. She has just blossomed, she says "hi" to everyone she comes across, she makes at least a few friends each time we hit the playground, she is bright and inquisitive, she is all about why and how and when. She is almost four years old and when I type that, it makes me start tearing up. She is getting so big, but more than ever, she really is getting so big. It isn't easy to carry her anymore, she is so strong, the baby fat is gone, except for her belly. She really is empathetic, she has always been this way, but it is even more dramatic than ever to me. She will hug me and console me over everything. She can feel sorrow for people who are not here with us, but are suffering far away. She is really into trying to be funny. She loves to sing "Stick out your tongue and close one eye cause you sure look like a funny guy," while doing said things. She still loves to sing and dance, to read, to do art all day. She is getting really good at writing her name, which is a long one! Her drawings have been amazing me lately, some of my favorites have been portraits of daddy, cherries with legs, and all sorts of different figures. She is still my snuggle bunny. She loves to cuddle mamma in the morning, she makes me feel calm when I am stressed out, she has a very sweet disposition. She has started Itty Bitty Sports at the YMCA and she loves it. She loves practicing the skills at home, she loves the games, but she does not love any sort of confrontation. The coaches were trying to teach them to guard in basketball and Marissa flat out would not do it, she did not want to try and get the ball away from me! I think this is very much her personality. I have to say, I don't like confrontation either!
The big news is she is turning four on Friday! As she says, "I am really really close to my birthday. Can you believe I am going to be four?" Well, no, mommy cannot believe you are almost four. And, then kindergarten, where has this last year gone? I was watching a home video of her the other night waking up and opening her presents on her third baby and she was just a baby really, she had a baby sounding voice, she looked little, she was just out of diapers for good, she hadn't gone to school yet. More than ever now, she is becoming her own person, she amazes me everyday with her questions, her zest for life and cleverness. I'm feeling like my kids have stolen my whole heart lately, and I just feel so lucky and blessed. I could go on and on, could you tell? I'm hoping to get back to more regular blogging now that my eyes have healed and we aren't planning any big trips coming up. Daddy has been busy at work think billing 80 hours a week busy, we miss you daddy! Off to finalize a certain very important birthday girl's details!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Memorial Day trip to Woodside

Tiny Hiker

Pretty Girl

I will so miss the palming of food technique,
 it is just the cutest.



Strawberries with whip cream a Nor cal
grandparent tradition

This picture makes my heart happy

Added for the cuteness of Ranger's security blanket

Crazy Crafting with Daddy

Yummm, I could eat a thousand scorched marshmallows.

She may have liked the raw marshmallows better...

Just another gorgeous day

Walking the Dogs
Hi Mamma

Little Bear - I want to eat him

Mamma and baby bear

 We finally got up to see my dad and step mom Martha in Woodside, which for those of you who don't know is a very tiny, very horse country, very pretty town in the Bay area right near Palo Alto. We hadn't been up to Woodside in far, far too long. Lucky for us, my dad and Martha make lots of trips to LA to see us, so we are a bit spoiled. We drove up Friday night in no traffic (woot, woot!) and arrived at 2 am (yikes!) It was nice to have our own car and be able to schlep as much junk as we wanted with us. The drive back was longer, major construction of the five, but I am so glad we went, I think it was very rejuvenating for the whole family and it was so great to see my dad and Martha. We had some great weather to do some hiking and Marissa and Oliver got to do their first marshmallow roasting! We saw lots of deer and banana slugs -  and luckily no mountain lions. Marissa had a really, really good time with my dad, she really loves my dad's unique sense of humor and totally "gets it," not always an easy task:)   Here's to more trips to Woodside sooner than later!

Can you tell how happy Marissa was? Seriously happy.

One of 10,000 banana slugs we saw

Redwood Bliss