Happy 6 Months Oliver! |
A little more than 6 months ago, I was still daydreaming about whether you were a girl or boy, what you would be like, when you would show up (well I generally knew that one, but one can obsess at the end of pregnancy) You are such a happy, gregarious baby boy. You were eager to meet the world when you were born (you were almost an LA freeway baby!) and made it out in a rapid 3 hours. You showed us a glimpse of what your personality would become that night, because you are still eager to study the world, you are such a curious baby, so outgoing, and so happy. I know that all mom's say their babies are happy, but you truly are. You just crack up laughing
all the time! At what sometimes nobody knows!Today was a rough day of nap training, but despite that in the tub tonight you just looked at me with your sparkly eyes and laughed and laughed, at who knows what. You just find life to be amusing and are quick to share a smile with just about anyone these days. You save most of your laughs for your big sister, who cracks you up with all of her antics. Your favorite one is when she bangs inappropriate objects on things and makes loud obnoxious noises that adults do not enjoy. You two are definitely already in cahoots. You set each other all the time. If one of you is crying, the other will start too, if one of you is laughing the other's giggles are not far behind. She loves you so much and refers to you all the time as "
My Oliver." You are extremely ticklish! I love that about you! I can get you every time! Who doesn't love a ticklish baby? Daddy also can get you going in full hysterics with his silly faces and antics. You kick your legs in delight when you see him and those you have come to love. You laugh when I bounce you around on my hip singing you Shaggy Boombastic. You love to ride up high on daddy's shoulders, and it especially delights you when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. In general, you love the sight of your own reflection, I'm not sure if you know it's you or not, but you can really spend a good deal of time talking and staring at yourself! You love grabbing my face with two hand and planting huge open mouth kisses that are insanely drooly all over my cheeks, and I love each and every single one. You always laugh after giving me each one like you know exactly what you are doing. You love to grab my and Marissa's hair and yank the heck out of it each day, it actually hurts quite a bit you know. You get furious when we take a toy away from you or something that you've clenched onto that you aren't supposed to have. You love looking at people and studying them. You will reward them with a smile when they notice you and then smash into my chest to hide. You love something outside our living room window, I'm not sure if it's the birds on the telephone wire or the big oak tree, but something delights you and you face lights up every time you are looking out there. And, you often have a few words about what you are seeing. You are sitting (but easily distractable into toppling but things of interest in the various direction of said topple), you are rolling both ways. You are getting closer and closer to scooting, getting both your back legs up under you, you are quite motivated to get to Ripper, who you also like to grab in a not very gentle way. You are sleeping though the night! You are getting more and more into solids. You especially love peas, followed by all the other vegetables we have fed you. You definitely prefer them to fruits. You love being outside and studying the trees moving in the wind. You are my little koala baby and can hold on so tightly around my neck I swear you could hang there without me holding onto you (don't worry I won't test this theory.) You are a big boy. You are in 12-18 month clothes and they don't need any rolling-up. You were 19lbs 2 oz at 5 months and 28 inches long, you are not really chubby at all, just very solid. You have zero teeth, although it looks like you are close to getting 3 on the bottom. You aren't nearly as bothered by teething as your sister was. Your mamma thinks you are a beautiful boy, with creamy skin, and blue eyes that are showing a hint of brown, long eyelashes and the best dimples. My life, and our family wouldn't be complete without you, I love you more than you will ever know Oliver Jack. I can't wait to find out what the next six months has in store for you.
Beautiful Mama~!