Is that an okay excuse to be such a terrible updater? September flew by in a blur, and October doesn't show any signs of slowing down. Our big news is that we are moving! We have to move by the end of the month (YIKES!) and we don't have a new house yet! We are going to look at a slew of houses on Sunday with the real estate agent and I am hoping that the kids can hang tough for this outing. And, I am hoping we find something we LOVE! I'm torn on wanting a pool or not. I'm scared of the dangers, but would love the cool relief it would bring from our hot neck of the woods. We are staying local, but it is still daunting to think of all the work we have in front of us this month (I have packed two diaper boxes so far.) Hmmm, I probably should be packing and not blogging. I really wish we didn't own so much stuff, it has just accumulated over time, especially with the kids, I just have the hardest time throwing things out!
We are also just back from Hawaii this week and let me just confirm that I was almost in tears leaving. It is so gorgeous and relaxing there, and that is saying a lot, because we had two kids who were super sick. Marissa ended up with a sinus infection and needed antibiotics, but we still eeked out some fun. Preschool tag sale is tomorrow and daddy is working 4 hours at that, and still putting in shockingly huge hours at the firm. Daddy turned 30, and he is owed a major re-do on his birthday dinner that was less than fun. Think slightly too fancy restaurant for tired, sick and jet lagged children who were wildly unhappy to be in the restaurant. It was totally unsalvagable, and we ended up packing up our dinner to go. Overall, I think we did about 10% of what we wanted to do in Maui, and I was still sad to leave!
The sky here made me feel whole. We don't get skies like this in LA. |
Enough of all that though, what I really want to document is how much the kids have changed. Marissa really likes preschool, and ever since starting has become so much more independent. She is throwing her own garbage away at home without prompting, taking herself potty etc. It is fabulous! The only downside is, I think she is slightly bored at home too. I almost wish I had put her in three days a week, but I keep thinking that she has the rest of her life to be in school. It is definitely one of my goals to have activities planned for her the night before, so I am not struggling to figure out what to do, printing directions etc the day of. Before we had Oliver, everyday was activity packed, parks, museums, cooking, etc. But, life with baby really changes things. If we are going to cook, it can't be a lengthy project, I'm always thinking about sun exposure (at least until I can put sunblock on him!) with our strong Southern California sun etc... It is getting easier the older he gets though. He can go longer without eating, sleeping etc... If anyone has great activities to do with a three year old and a five month old, let me know!
Luau attempt #1, about one minute before vomiting up that fruit punch. |
And, I love to get out with Oliver because he is Mr. Social. He has this smile that just seems to win people over. He does this thing where he smiles and raises one of his eye brows at the same time, almost a little Jack Nicholson like (but in a really cute way:) And, I love when he smiles at someone and then turns quickly and hides in my chest while simultaneously fist pounding me with his inner hand. It is the cutest. And, I love how he will stare at the nearest person until they give him some attention and then he gets all shy. What a flirt! Most of all I love how much he loves his big sister. Whenever he wakes up from a nap all cranky, the second he sees her, he busts out into the biggest grin. They just have an unspoken chemistry those two. He's been talking up a storm to her and it is just so fun to watch him really focus on her and tell her a million things, if only we knew what he was saying!
He has been sitting for a few seconds here and there, and it will be really great once he balances out because the second he is on the floor on his back, he rolls over and then the tummy time is short lived after the 50th roll. When he is on his tummy propped up slightly by a little wedge he is starting to get his legs up under him and is super wiggly looking like he really wants to go somewhere. We tried him on rice cereal and he took about 4 bites and was done! I don't think he is the biggest fan of the taste! We might try it mixed with a fruit in a couple of weeks. Phew, and this is what happens when I don't update, entries are way too long! I'm also including a ton of photos, these were edited out of about 600 or so.
At the airport. The boy is a good traveler. |
"Seriously, who let these guys become parents?" |
Probably one of my favorite pictures of Marissa ever. |
Dancing to the band. |
Luau Success! A great family activity! |
We let her sit at the wheel of the Dodge Caravan when we were setting up the rental car. It was about 12 am LA time and she was so overtired. This was probably not our brightest idea, but it preserved every one's sanity. PS: this may be one of the worst cars ever built.
Sunset at Black Rock.
Oliver and Mommy at sunset |
Hawaii Keiki |
Tent Happiness |
Baby Elvis Wind Hair. |
Can we go back tomorrow? |
Family of Four |
Sand Angel |
Pirate Ship Pool Slide! |
Until Next Time |
Beach Tent |
Surfer Girl
Oliver in his swim suit
I am so impressed with the vacation . . . especially with sick kids! J has gotten sick on vacation so much and I'm totally chicken to travel with two kids. Oliver has changed so much and I only saw him a few weeks ago. Well, make that more than a month?? Good luck with the house hunt and move - let me know if there's anything I can do to help.