Oliver & Marissa

Oliver & Marissa
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Friday, October 15, 2010

Funnyisms and other things.

Sometimes Marissa just cracks me up. Sometimes she speaks just like a tiny adult, very eloquently, and sometimes she says things that show how her mind works as a three year-old. I love seeing these sneak peeks into her mind. For example, today I asked Marissa if she had been picking at her scab on her leg (it was pretty obvious she had, it had been healing well with Neosporin, and was suddenly looking open in various places (she slipped on our front door steps.)) Without missing a beat, she said "Oh, Mommy, I think I will knit a scarf, it will go right around my neck just like this" while miming draping a scarf around her neck with her hands. And, I said no, Marissa a "scab" and then we got into the whole discussion of her injury. And, for those that know her well, yes it is shocking there is no band aid on there, but it is a really big scrape! I'm still not really sure if "scab" is integrated into her vocab or not now, but I vividly remember picking at scabs as a kid too!
Then later at the dinner table, my baseball hat was near her on the table, I don't normally wear one, so she isn't used to seeing this hat, and it happened to be a camouflagee one (hey, it's my Vermont roots, don't get on me:) She said, "Mommy, I think your hat is really dirty! It's just all messed up." I looked at it, and totally saw her point of view. It's funny how she just thought camo looked all dirty. Which, I guess is really the intent of it after all. Well, anyway, in my world it's just a fashion thing, but I guess she may just think Mommy is going around wearing dirty clothes. Speaking of clothes, the amount of laundry accumulating in our house on a daily basis is shocking! It doesn't help that Marissa loves to change outfits on a whim multiple times a day! She is all about exerting her independence these days.

And, in Oliver news: he is officially sitting now! All of the sudden this week it just clicked, he's got his balance down. If something to his sides or back distracts him suddenly though, he is just down for the count, so he certainly isn't meant to be left unattended in a seating position quite yet. Good job little 20 pounder! They say it's harder to balance the bigger they are, so I was wondering... He's also eating sweet potatoes regularly, and had a few bites of apples that he liked as well!

Here are some other things that I am going to try and randomly update on:
Oliver's Current Size diapers (at age 5.5 months) - Size Three (and has been in these for probably about 1.5 months +)
Oliver's Current favorite food other than BM- sweet potatoes!
Marissa's Current favorite food - does milk count as a food or ketchup? Otherwise it would be dinosaur chicken
Oliver # of teeth = zero, but heavily teething
One of Marissa's least favorite things - having her hair rinsed in the tub, full on screams each time
One of Oliver's least favorite things - getting his arms put through shirts, guaranteed cry every time!
One of Marissa's favorite things- decorating the house for holidays, getting "jumped up high" by Daddy
One of Oliver's favorite things- any sort of fun interaction with family, he's always laughing at everything these days and sometimes nothing at all, he will just crack up out of the blue.
Oliver and strangers- he will stare at them intensely until they give him some sort of attention and then reward them with a gleeful smile
Marissa and strangers- if she's playing on the sidewalk in front of the house, and people are walking towards her, she will completely turn her body and look at the ground and ignore anything they say
Oliver's favorite place to be- anywhere outside
Marissa's favorite place to be- the living room with her toys and books
Marissa's favorite tv show- She has taken a loving to Handy Manny, which I think is quite cute
Oliver's favorite tv show- ok we don't let Oliver really watch tv, but scarily when he catches a glimpse of  Handy Manny, he actually, literally squeals in delight.
Marissa's proudest moment this week - doing "share" aka show and tell for her class at school. She was a star and brought in a rubber duckie:) The other kids have to guess what is in the opaque bag and the kid who brings share answers the questions. Marissa's item was a bit confusing. The kids guessed it was a bird, but then she told them it didn't have feathers and it was orange. Who has heard of an orange featherless duck?!
Marissa's sleep - not too bad, she only woke up a bunch the night before her "share day."
Oliver's sleep - rather terrible since Hawaii where he ended up in our bed most of the time due to being sick and having a cold iron hotel crib that he was way too big for. Since then he has woken up 2 or even 3 times a night, you can guess what's coming in his near future. Sorry buddy.
Marissa's favorite book this week- "No hitting." Which we randomly borrowed from preschool, she is very interested in this book this week. I'm wondering how much kid fighting she is seeing at school for the first time. I don't even think she knew what hitting was before preschool. Oh the joys of having your kid learn bad behaviors from other kids at school. As a side note, she is generally loving non-fiction books lately.
Oliver's favorite book - Trucks (or something like that.) A huge DK book with flaps and bright colors and trucks that make noise. I love DK books for very little ones. He still has a pretty short attention span for books, especially compared to Marissa at this age (she sat through multiple repeats of Make Way for Ducklings at 4 months.)

Well I guess that's enough updates for right now. I'm trying to think of fun little things to look back on like these that are easy to compare, and will change as time goes by. Let me know if you have any other good ones! Oh, and sorry for the blurry header picture, it's from my IPhone, but I just had to put it up for a little while since it had a Fall feel and they are being so cute in it:) And, also because I think they look so much alike in it!
Here is a picture of Marissa from "share" with her teacher.

One of Oliver for good measure

Do you think she loves her teacher?


  1. I loved the header photo! I'm glad preschool is going well for Marissa. The list of likes/dislikes is great - I may have to copy you :)

  2. I also LOVE the header photo - I can't believe what a big girl Marissa is. And, I too was a scab picker when I was little, I think it's just in the genes, lol.
