Oliver & Marissa

Oliver & Marissa
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A+ at the Dentist!

Little Ollie had his first check up at the dentist. And, he did GREAT! I wasn't sure at all how it would go since I barely prepped him with a Dora Goes to the Dentist book just before his nap today, but he was a total pro! I love our pediatric dentist and her office is so kid friendly too. I mainly brought Oliver along to watch Marissa and was hoping he would let Dr. S look around in his mouth a little, but he let her do a full cleaning! Yay! His teeth look so bright and white. The kid's dentist had the great suggestion to put Oliver in the chair with Marissa, and sure enough, it put him right at eas. It was pretty cute seeing them all squished in there together too. I have to say, seeing big sis as the model patient must have done wonders of good for him too. She is little miss follows the rules and does what adults ask of her right away. She makes me very, very proud and just has the sweetest nature about her. Her teeth look great too!

Listening Carefully to Dr. Sumalee.

Feeling the power toothbrush for the first time.
Oliver was in complete giggles when she tickled him for real to test
his ticklishness.

They are still so little! Two peas in a pod (or a dentist's chair.)

Having fun in the waiting room.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to see both of them willingly listening to their dentist! I also like the strategy of the dentist. Explaining to the kids what to expect during the procedure is a way to gain their trust and make them feel comfortable with her. When’s their next visit? Keep us posted!

    Thanh Arnett
