Oliver & Marissa

Oliver & Marissa
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Most of the time when I take pictures of the kids, the pictures I love are where they are smiling and looking sort of normally at the camera, but these days that is not often the pictures I am getting around here. Marissa in particular loves to make crazy faces at the camera. Is this a five year old thing?! Thank goodness for digital cameras otherwise we would probably only have crazy making face pictures from this year and the last.

When I think about why I like them to be smiling in pictures, I think it's because it makes me feel like I am doing a good job as a Mommy if they seem happy in photos. I think I know that they are happy, but it is just like a little seconding motion in my head that all is well in their lives if they look happy in photos. Does anyone else feel this way? The silly face pictures will continue to come no doubt and we will have many for the record/photo albums. Maybe I should make a photo album of just ridiculous faces, that would probably always be amusing to look at on hard days!

Probably, the "Mom, will you please quit
asking me to smile" face. I was trying to
capture the blue ribbons in her hair for "blue day"
at school for the record.



  1. Annelies, we have a whole collection of Joey making sourpuss faces dating back to preschool and continuing into "adulthood." Many are a true expression of her feelings at the time, but now she does it as a joke to add to the collection.

    1. Ahaha, that is awesome! I can just picture it! I seriously am considering creating an album devoted to it! Miss you guys!
