Because my iphone is wayyy to convenient to take pictures of the kids on and throwing the camera in the bag is often one more thing I don't want weighing my pregnant back down:) Really though, I need to make more of an effort to use a better camera, because while these pictures may be cute, the quality could be so much better. I've been shooting lots of pictures on my Nikon N80 film camera and I LOVE not having to upload photos and having the prints in my hands right away - seeing them for the first time is like Christmas morning. I think I can still scan in some of my favorites to put on here, I need to test out how well they come out after the transfer.
We have an independent ladder climber. |
Dark, but shows his extreme pleasure with his climbing. |
I've been trying to cram in lots of activities before our new baby comes, I remember doing this with Marissa too when I was pregnant with Oliver. Because, lets face it, it just isn't as easy to get out with newborn who needs to eat and poop less than every two hours:) Leo and I are getting ready to tour Marissa's KINDERGARTEN soon! EEK! I cannot believe my baby girl will be going to big girl school next year. I am so proud of the little person she is becoming. We also need to tour some preschools for Oliver because of the wait list factor. We will not be doing a coop again, although it has been a great experience in many ways, it will just be too much with three kids and with Leo working consistent 60+ hour work weeks. The good news is I think he will do great at a non-coop. To give you an idea of how big he looks in real life, parents at Marissa's current preschool which admits kids at age 3+ years keep asking me if he will be starting school in the fall at Oneonta. Then I have to tell them, ummmm, "he is one." Yup, he is a big boy, but not an ounce of fat on him, he is just a strong, tall lil' guy.
Love this picture of my girl.
Rainy Day Target Shopping Trip,
(can you tell he likes to accessorize?)
Reminding me of Pippi Longstocking here,
she's really into the braids right now! |
Yes, we spent approximately 45 awesome minutes
admiring the SoPas firetruck parked outside the farmer's market.
My Little Free Spirit
Marissa and her awesome light-up cowboy boots
she got from Aunt Vicky for X-mas
Discussing Ripper's Ears With Me