Oliver & Marissa

Oliver & Marissa
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Saturday, March 19, 2011


I'm finally getting some of these photos from our tidepool adventure onto the blog. We had such an amazing day, even though we live relatively close to the beach, we just don't get there often enough. I'm hoping we can make it at least a few times a month on the weekends with daddy this summer, and I'm also hoping that Oliver doesn't consider sand to be a delicious food item! I'm a little bit too much of a wimp to take both kids to the beach by myself. Marissa is like a magnet to the big waves and I'm worried about taking my eye off her for a split second while getting distracted by Oliver. These tidepools were probably some of the very best I have ever been to in my life. They were filled with beautiful colorful starfish, sea anemones, urchins, sea cucumbers that squirt water at you, and much more. If you live in the area, they are beyond worth checking out. The drive through Palos Verdes is beautiful as well. Here is a link to directions to Abalone Cove and how to find the tide pools: http://www.palosverdes.com/rpv/recreationparks/AbaloneCoveShoreline/index.cfm Definitely bring lots of water, especially if it is a warm day, it is an actual hike down to the beach. I also recommend packing a picnic lunch as there are picnic tables at the top of the bluff and a beautiful grassy area to play in. I'm excited to announce too that we are closing on our house next week! I CANNOT WAIT to move in and set things up just so, and one of the things I am most looking forward to is printing some photos of the kids and family for their rooms. We will be moved in just in time for Oliver's first birthday as well, so that should be fun!

See the rocks jutting out under the cliff?
Hike down there to see the tidepools!

Hanging out on the beach blanket

My Little Goof

She was obsessed with these beautiful starfish,
there were purple and orange ones.

Hiding under that little pile of circular shells is a sea anemone.
These were everywhere.
So much to see, she loved walking into the tide pools.

Rocky Entrance to the beach.
Catalina in the distance crystal clear.
A perfect, perfect beach day!
Ol hitching a ride

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Disneyland is tiring for mommies too!
Loving the leaves - happiness is being outside if you are Oliver
On the Move

Sacked out Cuteness

 Sorry for not posting for a while. I went through a funk, where I just felt anti-updating anything in my life on Facebook or here. But, I really do want to keep this blog up, because I know it will be so fun to look back at! Everyone at chez Caseria is good. We are really good actually! It looks like we are going to be closing on our first dream house in South Pasadena at the end of this month. Very exciting- to say the least. We moved out of our old house and are in a new house temporarily and Leo just finished a huge case that finally settled so finally we are having some down time. We have been walking our new neighborhood every weekend and are just so in love with South Pasadena. I think it is going to be an amazing place to raise the kids. I'm so thankful we got this house, after being outbid on other houses before this one, you would never know the economy is doing poorly here in LA.


The kids have been growing and changing so much. It seems to be getting more and more fun the older Oliver gets because he and Marissa are so interactive and can even play. One of their favorite games right now is "Oliver Monster" where Marissa hides under her blanket and shrieks that Oliver Monster is coming and he crawls over and peeks under the blanket and major giggling ensues. It's pretty cute. They also like to play "soccer" together. Oliver gets really, really excited to kick the ball when we hold him upright and his kicks are so strong he can easily get it back to her. He is also so into imitating that he imitates just about every noise (the good and the bad) that she makes, which is pretty fun. I'm pretty sure he has started calling her "isa" too, we'll have to see if it lasts. Marissa has been reading some words and writing all her letters. She really knows some words like "zoo" and "box" thanks to daddy working hard with her. Marissa made me quite proud today when she showed off her knowledge about where sharks live and how they feel from her experience touching them at the Long Beach Aquarium, it's nice to know all our excursions have stayed with her. Speaking of sea life, we had an amazing weekend a few weekends back at the beach and went tide pooling at the most amazing tide pools I have probably ever been to, at Abalone Cove in Palos Verdes. It was a perfect 80 degree beach day and the sea life was just amazing. Marissa was enthralled and obsessed with touching the starfish. And, I'm happy to report that we prevented Oliver from eating any sand. Despite the busy life pace lately, we have been managing to have a lot of fun, and can't wait for an even more fun spring! I can't believe it's March already! Here are some photos:) More photos to come (including the tide pool adventure, or as Marissa kept calling it "whirlpool) in another post, because I already have too many here!

Love this girl - so much

Bubble blowing at South Pas farmer's market

Nom Nom

Eating Books is Fun

In the double stroller at Disneyland

One princess picture for good measure (yes, she still loves all things princess)

This year's valentines day card photo, "May all your valentine's wishes come true."

The day of the move to our temporary house, we were quite tired!

Marissa happy in her temporary abode!