Oh boy, the piles of "stuff" around this house are on my mind. And, by piles I mean, piles of laundry (various, multiple piles that seem to exponentially grow), piles of laundry, piles of little girl barrettes and pony tail holders, piles of dirty dishes, piles of art supplies seeking to consume Marissa's craft table, piles of mail (both junk and non-junk), piles of photos on my memory card to be downloaded and well you get the idea. I have no idea how mom's with clean houses get the house to look so good. When Oliver's napping, I'm either reading to Marissa or trying to give her some much deserved attention, trying to get Oliver back down if he randomly woke back up (yes, we have another light sleeper,) am scrambling to shove some food down my throat or making Marissa a meal that is probably running a little late. Not to mention, maybe possibly trying to get 1/100 of one pile put in its proper place.
Adding to the random chaos that is currently our house, Leo has been working a ton. And, by a ton I mean about 230 billable hours a month. That would be billable, not just regular old work hours. To say we all miss him would be an understatement. The good news is Marissa and Oliver seem to care less about the cleanliness of our house than I do. And, for that I am their biggest fan. Daddy is working all three days of this labor day weekend, and I am therefore bailing on a birthday party at a rock climbing gym tomorrow because I just can't juggle a 3 year old and a 4 month old while trying to support the 3 year old in rock climbing efforts and a bouncy house. Well, I probably could, but I would come home with a huge headache and be wrecked for the rest of the day. Sometimes a momma just has to look out for herself. I think it's time to fire up the kiddie pools in the backyard this weekend as we have been maintaining around a 95 degree temperature this week. I'm still planning on making the weekend fun, it's just an endless summer here in Southern California.
Speaking of which, around this time of year, I always miss the coolness that comes on without fail in Vermont. It is more than a shift in air temperature however, it is a change in the feel of the wind, and most definitely a smell in the air. You just know fall is coming. And, that air, it smells oh so clean and almost sweet. I hate to say it, but fall in Southern California just doesn't compare. Apple picking, fallen maple leaf picking, leaf raking, acorn gathering, wood splitting. log stacking. There is nothing quite like a New England fall. Despite this, I intend to fully bring my Vermont roots to LA for my kids. I can't wait to do every conceivable fall activity with them. The highlight of which for me is going to Underwood Family Farms (
http://www.underwoodfamilyfarms.com/) to pick out our pumpkins, they have great tractor rides, 100's of pumpkins and it just feels like fall there. And, how about Halloween? Actually, Halloween used to be my very least favorite holiday as an adult (that and New Years,) but now I can say that it is hands down my very favorite holiday with the kids. Yes, Marissa and I have already been discussing her Halloween costume for months and months, and we even know what Oliver will be:) I just can't wait!
And, fall this year also means the first day of preschool for my girl Marissa. Next week we have our test visit day, just her and I (and all the other kids in her class and their parents,) and then the week after that she starts all on her very own! We have been reading lots of books in preparation. D.W.'s Guide to Preschool and Llama Llama Misses Mama (the latter is by a Vermont Author) are our two favorites. Marissa told me today, "Mom let's go to preschool right now. I'm ready. I won't be shy, I will just say'hi' to all the kids." Oh, how I hope that is the case, I worry for my shy, sensitive girl's entrance into the school world. But, Leo and I have been telling her how great she will do and how much fun she will have. I'm very careful not to state any of my concerns to her, but inwardly they are there. Mainly because she reminds me so very much of how I was as a kid. Everyone always says how fast time goes, and it really does. Which, is exactly why I honestly don't care that the house is a mess, I want to spend these waking moments with them, not cleaning.
Can you believe Oliver is 4 months old? Actually almost 4.5 months old? I can't. He has officially started teething (oh so fun) and has also become an official member of the rolly-poli club. He is also officially "tall" at 27.5 inches (97 percentile) and weighed in at 18 lbs (70 percentile) at his four month checkup. Where did August, July and June go? Ready or not, here we come fall. Next post, I'll update on Oliver's torticollis situation and our imminent tropical vacations plans. Here are a few recent photos of the munchkins.
Is it just me or are they already keeping secrets from us?
Their moods are so in sync, it's freaky. "Mom, get out of here." |
Oh, how she loves him. |
Cracking Up. And, how I love those all those little feet.